And Dymn the Welkin
tenor solo, SATB chorus, piano, 2 electric guitars, percussion (1976)

Armies Of Mice
2 narrators, SATB chorus, juggler, harmonicas, recorder, flute, piano, rhythmatron, mousetraps (1982)

Big Sister
SATB actors, piano, synthesizer, cello, drum kit (1987)

soprano, tenor, piano, harpsichord, mousetraps (1989)

SATB voices, soprano and alto recorders, alto and tenor krummhorns, mandolin, concertina, acoustic guitar, castanets, 2 Pakastani autohorns, Niederhorn, kitharette, p’tang (1978)

The Mass of Mercury
chamber orchestra augmented with tenor sax and drum kit, SATB chorus (1999)